
The healing men series is a nine part email series designed to help men begin to explore their emotions. It begins with setting a commitment to yourself of exploring the emotional pain and challenges that you've had in your life. It explores how sociately we have been set up to live in a constrained emotional box and have not been afforded the opportunity to openly express our emotions.

The series challenges those beliefs and misconceptions, and allows us to begin to explore our hurt, our pain and to crack open those old traumas. It helps us to then move into healing and growing emotionally and as a man. Throughout the process self-care is encouraged. In addition, I encourage using this series in conjunction with individual or group psychotherapy.

By the end of the series, my hope is that you will have begun to identify and work through the societal and familial wounds and trauma that you may have experienced that has stifled your emotional expression. Is my hope that with this series you will be in the end, an emotionally empowered man.


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The Healing Men Email Course

As men, we are often faced with many difficult emotions that we are not taught how to deal with. In the Healing Men email course, we explore how to acknowledge this pain, begin the healing process, and recognize the incredible power of owning your emotions.